Сенат Канади одноголосно ратифікував Угоду про вільну торгівлю між Україною та Канадою
Date: May 18, 2017
For immediate release
Senate unanimously adopts Bill C-31:
Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act
Ottawa, Ontario – On May 18, 2017, the Senate of Canada unanimously adopted Bill C-31, the Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act.
“The Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement builds on a longstanding history of engagement and support between our two nations”, said Senator Andreychuk. “The unanimous passage of Bill C-31 marks yet another important milestone in Canada-Ukraine bilateral relations.”
“With the ratification of this agreement, Canada will become the first country outside of Europe and Central Asia to sign a formal trade agreement with Ukraine. In doing so, Canadian businesses will be granted unparalleled opportunities in Ukraine across all sectors,” said Senator Andreychuk citing the renewable energy, aeronautics and education sectors as examples.
“This agreement underscores Canada’s support for advancing democracy in Ukraine amid recurring threats to the country’s sovereignty and independence.”
Office of the Honourable Senator Raynell Andreychuk